Tuesday, 3 July 2012

A Cruel and Unusual Punishment?

Although he has been in the role unofficially for at least a month, Geni-i boss Chris Quin yesterday took over formally as Acting CEO of Telecom for a couple of months, between Paul Reynolds’ departure last Friday and Simon Moutter’s arrival on 1 September.

It’s not unusual to appoint a senior executive into the Acting CEO’s role. But this is the first time I can remember a board appointing someone known to have been a candidate for the role, and one who publicly acknowledged his “disappointment” at having missed out, when he sent a note to his employees on the announcement of Mr Moutter’s appointment.

I know nothing of the Board’s thinking on this, but this seems an unusual strategy: “Chris, here’s the prize you really wanted. Try the seat for a couple of months. Once you get comfortable and used to it, we’ll snatch it back from you.” 

On the other hand, there’s always a risk for a Board that values and wants to retain a senior executive who has failed to win the top job: importing an outsider for a short time, over the head of Chris and any other internal candidates who also missed out, might have been an even greater risk.

I have great respect for the Telecom Board, and its Chair Mark Verbiest ... which makes me wonder whether he doesn’t have a rather more devious plan: “Here, Chris, try the hot seat for a couple of months: by that time, I think you’ll realise you’re having much more fun where you are.”

Regardless of what the Board was thinking, let’s wish Chris well in his brief tenancy of the Corner Office at Telecom.

I chair the NZ Telecommunications Forum, the technical working body of the industry. This role does not involve direct interaction with either the board or executive leadership of any of the main telcos and the opinions in today's musing are based solely on my own observations after reading publicly available information.

Saturday, 3 March 2012

It's the little things that count

A tip of the hat to Auckland International Airport Arrivals this morning.

Arriving on SQ from a week in Jakarta, we parked at one of the more distant gates. Doors were open at midday. After walking to Customs, with a stop at Duty Free, collecting my suitcase, clearing MAF, re-checking my bag to Wellington and following the Green Line for 10 minutes to the Domestic terminal, I was in the lounge 35 minutes later.

By my count, five organisations contributed to that - after I'd left SQ's care. Each of them had only to complete a small routine task, and the combination of all five made for a very good experience of arriving home. So often quality is a matter of getting lots of little things right, rather than one big thing, isn't it? Yet how often is the entire experience spoiled by one of those links failing to get it right first time?

As an afterthought, when I arrived at the domestic lounge, I was told that Wellington's weather was marginal and "We're sending the flights off one by one," which made me wonder if a bunch of former fighter jockeys has taken over the airline while I was away, and if they're now operating formation departures to solve peak hour congestion??